Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hello all

Hello All,

Akhirnya setelah banyak pertimbangan dan penundaan (anaknya heavy procrastinator), blog ini dibuat juga, ga sekedar wacana :)

Kenapa sih buat blog? Because in the era where visual communication such as instagram, youtube videos and tiktok are everything, I sincerely believe that elaborative explanation from writing is still important.

What will I share?

Karena memang passion aku di beauty, In this blog, I will be sharing mostly about beauty (beauty tips, makeup & skin care review, mix and match tips). 

I will try my best to make an honest and reliable review, based on my personal experience or from dependable sources.

I hope that the posts I share can be a reference for your beauty and styling choices :) 

much love,

Hello all

Hello All, Akhirnya setelah banyak pertimbangan dan penundaan (anaknya heavy procrastinator), blog ini dibuat juga, ga sekedar wacana :)...